Snow? What snow? And a bruised toe!

For the last few days, all we've been hearing, is that Edinburgh is going to be covered in snow. Initially our weather app was showing light snow today and heavy snow showers tomorrow. This is the 'light snow' and it's all gone away now. And our weather app is full of sunny day symbols for tomorrow.......................

BUT, our main news today is........................ Ann bashed her big toe against my dog gate just before bedtime last night, and she is in absolute agony. How can something so small produce so much pain? She didn't sleep very well last night because even the duvet resting on her foot made her toe throb. And putting on her socks and boots this morning was just awful. She hobbled round the block with me. Thank goodness she wasn't working today because no way could she have been on her feet for four hours. After breakfast she said, 'Trixie, I'll take a couple of paracetamol. That will numb the pain and then I'll take you to Morningside Park so at least you'll get a little bit of a run about.' The paracetamol did not numb the pain and Ann only managed to walk a couple of streets before we had to turn around and come home.

I really am the bestest little collie pup ever. I didn't make a fuss and I've just been happily snoozing for most of the day. No way would 'MollyCollie' have accepted such short walks. I've just been round the block again, but in total we've only walked 6,500 steps today. I usually do at least double that!

As for Ann's toe....................... it's a bit swollen and she's just 're-inspected' it and it seems that it's very bruised on the underneath bit, with what looks like a big puffy blood blister type thing, so it's no wonder she's finding walking painful. Guess she's just going to have to wait for it to get better by itself.

If it's still hurting her tomorrow, she's going to pop me in the car and take me to the park so that she can just stand and throw my ball for me. Yay! 

...........She's also got a 4 hour shift at work tomorrow. That might be a bit more tricky?!

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