
An odd day. We awoke to white patches on sheds and garages, but otherwise the same old greyness. Later in the morning the snow flakes began to fall, but melted as they hit the ground, so still grey and miserable.

I tried to get on with sorting out, but with minimal enthusiasm. The only positive evidence of action was two large loads of clothes and towels washed and dried. 

The day dragged until I started to clear out travel books and guides. Now that’s a recipe for disaster and delays. Once upon a time I was the one that was reluctant to part with things, but now it’s B who won’t throw things out!! 

I found this Carlisle United commemorative magazine which I was give when we visited in 2009. I was a fan in the days of Bill Shankly 1949-51, we lived on Warwick Road and my pal and I used to limbo under the big wooden gates to play on the pitch. The bravery and cheek of 4yr olds enabled us to make friends with everyone. Health and Safety would have something to say about it these days. The only trouble we got was from our mums for making the backs of our dresses filthy dirty from the ground. 

Tucked inside it was a copy of the Penguin News dated February 18, 2011. It is a very chatty, homely newspaper. We bought it when we visited the Falklands that year on a cruise round South America. These are two items that I certainly won’t be throwing away. 

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