Towering sky (Day 2862)

A fine, crisp and crunchy wander up the hill with Sigyn started off the day.
A bit later I headed to Holm to sort out a leaky sink. Next on the list was a little job sorting out the feeds for a washing machine. Before heading for home I stopped off in town to collect some stuff. By the time I was home, Sigyn was fairly sure it was time for a walk. We had a grand walk, despite finishing in a snow shower.
Home for lunch, then off to Rendall to sort a loo, which involved as trip to town to collect parts, and a whole lot of swearing at the loo. The loo needs to be changed, but with a new bathroom in the offing, keeping the loo going just now was the priority.
Back home to meet my beautiful wife for a trip through to the horses where we got caught in a blizzard, then along to Mum and Dad's for a grand feed.

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