A wet day in Paris!

It hasn't stopped raining all day today, but we still took the train from Versailles into the centre of Paris. We stopped off at La Tour Eiffel, although we didn't go up it - the queues were huge though!

From La Tour Eiffel we walked to Les Invalides, but stopped off at a Brasserie for a coffee and to dry out a bit. We decided we'd go into the Military museum which was amazing, and then we visited the tomb of Napoleon Bonaparte.

We then crossed over the Seine to the Grand Palais, up to Le Place de la Concorde and onto Le Louvre - so many people were queuing in the rain to get in, but then again, what else do you do on a rainy day in Paris? We didn't as it was late in the day and we wanted to get back to Versailles in time for dinner. So we stopped off for a champagne cocktail and a Tarte Tatin before catching the train back.

Despite the weather, we've had a great day, but it was difficult for photos as I had to keep the camera covered all the time. Out of all the shots I took, I like this one of La Tour Eiffel - the top of it is almost disappearing into the clouds!

Were going out for dinner now, and I'm looking forward to tomorrow as we've arranged to meet up with blip buddy Dave and his wife - it'll be lovely to meet up after all this time!

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