A Rendezvous in Versailles

Today was our last day in Versailles so we had a wander around the town this morning, and had a bit of lunch before meeting up with Dave the Rave and his lovely wife this afternoon.

We arranged to meet them at the statue of Louis XIV in front of the Chateau. Alan took this photo of myself and Dave and as you can see we instantly got on well - it's amazing how through Blip we really get to know each other through our journals.

We then went to a local Brasserie for a drink and a chat before we had to start our journey back to Belgium. Unfortunately there were major delays on the motorway around the centre of Paris and it took us an hour to do 7kms due to a broken down vehicle in the middle lane! So we're now all feeling very tired after a 4 hour journey, and it's already 9.45pm, so I'm off for a shower and an early night.

Mum flies home early tomorrow and we have to leave at 7am to get her to the airport - she still doesn't have her suitcase after the strikes last week, so I'm hoping we can have another look for it at the airport before she leaves.

Once again, apologies for not commenting while we've been away, normal service will be resumed tomorrow! Night, night x

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