Life through the lens...

By ValC

Surprise butterfly!

Things you see taking blips, which normally would pass you by!

Decided today to blip a new flower which has just opened in my sink garden.
I bought this little alpine plant last time we went to Harlow Carr gardens.
The plant named " Anemone Magellanica" .
( " Tufts of hairy basal leaves carry heads of creamy white flowers on 22cm stems in Spring"
Very tiny flower, and as I was focusing the camera noticed that there was something else in the shot.

This lovely little butterfly. To give you some idea of the size, the flower is 1cm across!

I hope someone on blip can tell me what it is.

It was so still. Never moved even when the camera was nearly touching it.

It was so well camouflaged, as the colour was almost the same as the flower.
I would never have noticed it if I wasn't looking for a blip!

( I have just been out side and it is still there!)

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