Saturday: Banana Plantation

Our plan was to go to Elijio Panti Nature Reserve, about an hour from Belmopan.  We headed in the right direction but could we find it?  The road just  got more and more rough and rugged.  As K put it, the car could probably have coped but our nerves less so.  At one point, I had to reverse up a narrow tracked muddy path, with the warning beeps going off every second due to rocks and trees.  

We may well have been on the right path but we decided not to advance any further.  It was still a good outing as we discovered roads and villages that were new to us.  

Life is never dull here.  Following on from K’s recent visit to ER, when she tore a ligament, we were back there this evening as she has now been bitten by a bat. 

I shall keep a clove of garlic and a crucifix next to the bed, just in case.

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