
By HeartFreek

Nothing is ever just 'Black and White'!

Im very proud of myself as tonight - I worked out how to 'mask' - I think!!! I was a bit stuck on which Challenge blip to choose today as I have messed the order up a bit this weekend!!! But just as I was getting ready for work and doing my hair in the mirror, the 'blip' came to me!!!

And here you have it. I could have chosen a number of Challenge subjects - 'Love', 'in the Mirror', 'Black and White' and 'New' as its a new T Shirt Im showing off! So went for Black and White with a bit of colour, as life is never just Black and White!!!!

Feeling a bit poo today. Have had a cough for nearly a week and its starting to get me down. Doesn't help when you have to sleep on the sofa so you don't wake the whole house up coughing and you cant get a Doctors appointment when you want one. Will be setting the alarm for 8 in the morning to ring the 'Pitbulls' receptionist at the surgery to see if I can see a Quack tomorrow! Im only a little paranoid now!!

On a completely separate note, sold a second hand freezer on ebay for £53.13 yesterday, and it got collected today! Job done! Kitchens having a rejig on Wednesday to fit my new Dishwasher in!!!!!!! So excited!

Heres to a night in bed and not the sofa. Fingers crossed. xXx

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