
By Mindseye

St Benedict’s Church

Awake very early this morning C’s alarm went off at 4.30, a long ol day ahead for him, delivery of an electric car to Kilmarnock, will probably require 2 recharges, then a 6 hour bus/trains journey back to Lincoln, don’t expect to see him much before 9 pm :-/

I’ve been busy with various tasks, hoovering, dusting, tidying etc then a trip into town to pass another couple of hours
Had a proper coffee in Costa lol bought a lovely mint green hoodie in M& S sale ;-)

Back home, was planning on taking George for a long walk but the heavens opened, so he played in the garden then we had a mad half hour chasing in doors lol

I’ve had a quick fish n salad for my tea. C’s let me know that he’s been upgraded to 1st Class from Edinburgh to Doncaster, then he would have another 2 hours home, so I am just about to leave to drive to Doncaster 55 mins, to pick him up for 8.30

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