Dancing Daffs

Didn’t get to sleep last night until late, just couldn’t get off……. C was up & off just after 6, I fell back to sleep, didn’t wake until 9.30!

Breakfast was porridge, a Laundry day today, washed a couple of coats pre Spring. Prepped ingredients for dinner, spaghetti carbonara, then had a quick light lunch, before walking George. He was very good, walked nicely, apart from trying to chase a pigeon ! He likes to sniff the daffodils on route too……I love these two tones ones!

Back mid afternoon, needed a quick trip to the supermarket, called for a proper coffee at the Shell garage where they have a Costa Express… the main store still not open!

Treated myself to a couple of bunches of daffies to brighten the lounge. Next a quick shower & hair wash then dinner. C was home at a more acceptable hour tonight &!is currently asleep in front of the tv after yesterdays marathon & another 12 hours today :-/

He decided recently to sell his piano, as he doesn’t play it very often and it takes up a lot of floor space in the lounge….. it went tonight, just hope he doesn’t regret letting it go :-( still has his keyboard though.

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