Last Day at the Farm

As anticipated, our grass was covered in snow when we got up. We had snow showers all day with no added accumulation, the perfect conditions. Hubby and I packed and cleaned a bit to be ready for tomorrow’s departure :(. It has been a fun visit for sure. My sister and I prepared our German pork crock pot dinner early so we could enjoy the rest of the day. She and our BIL did a little more on the painting project. Each piece gets 4 coats: white primer, 2 coats of the brick paint and a finishing layer of preservative. It looks great so far. Hubby and Sugar enjoyed reading by the fireplace. I worked on a cross stitch piece that I started two years ago but didn’t get much done. We played chicken foot (with dominoes) in the afternoon. Perfect past time on a cold winter day. Each of us found something we enjoy doing for our last day of “vacay”. Hoping you did the same. Thanks so much for dropping by. In between photographing the trip home, I’ll try to catch up on all your journals. It’s just too hard here. Our service is so weak that I can only get/send mail, texts or a phone call up in our bedroom. And then it’s sketchy. Stay safe. “It is not in doing what you like, but in liking what you do that is the secret of happiness.” -
James M. Barrie

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