
By Mindseye


Up early for the 4th day in a row, to catch a glimpse of one of the 3 Legends of Steam, featuring across this weekend.

As I was heading East at lunchtime for the weekend, it had to be this morning.

Woke to yet more pouring rain, but up & out for 8.30, got absolutely soaked. Thought I’d solved the issue with my camera, which hadn’t worked when I tried to photograph the boys at their Driving Experiences yesterday, but hadn’t, so had to resort to my phone again! A trip to the camera repair shop is needed I think :-(

This steam engine is Leander, built in 1936, captured as it was leaving Ramsbottom station……..isn’t there just something special about a steam engine :-)

I couldn’t access the platform as it was cordoned off but managed to lean in the level crossing barriers to get my blip for today

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