The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

That’ll Be The Day

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Eldest Mini Princess,

Mary Doll and I went to for dinner and to see ‘Buddy’ tonight at The Festival Theatre.

Keen not to repeat the experience at My Fair Lady, Mary Doll limited herself to three glasses of wine. But that was all that was needed…

Half way through the first half, Mary Doll tugged my arm. Have you seen that old man in the second row nodding his head along to the music?” she asked, “He’s having a great time.”

She mentioned it again at the interval. I was slightly bewildered and asked why she was watching the audience instead of the show.

MD: “I have a talent for people watching.”

Me: “Staring at people isn’t a talent.”

MD: “I’m not staring. I’m OBSERVING. I SEE things. Had you noticed that old man? He has a stick. And the man in front of you has been nodding along too. He has a hearing aid.”

Me: “Which probably means he can hear you! And all you’re doing is telling me random things you can see!”

MD: “No, I can see the bigger picture. Not like you.”

Me: I can only pray that Dad’s genes have watered this * gesturing in the direction of Mary Doll* down. Also that ‘old’ man is in the same ball park as you in terms of age.

MD: Shut your face!

A night out with Mary Doll is always very amusing!


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