The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Cost Effective

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Eldest Mini Princess,

Lovely Shuvly and Basher asked a couple of painters to quote for some work in their house. The quotes were very high so Basher (who has never painted in their 23 years of marriage) decided it was ridiculous and that they would just do it themselves.

So, they started in the smallest room on Saturday. By lunchtime, Basher declared that he wasn’t in the mood and went off to walk the dogs and by the end of the day, the atmosphere was decidedly frosty. This deteriorated on Sunday morning to actual shouting, and by 10 am, Basher declared he was never picking up another *insert rude word* paintbrush again.

Shuvly phoned today to say that they have decided to hire painters after all.

As The Prince said - turns out it’s a small price to pay to save a marriage!


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