River Nith Suspension Bridge

Today's the day .................. for a thing of beauty

 '....an airy graceful thing of beauty that might have been conjured into existence by the wand of an eastern magician .......’  

So was described the new suspension bridge over the River Nith at Whitesands, Dumfries at its opening in 1875.  It originally provided pedestrian access to and from the mills on the west bank of the river.  It was designed by John Willet and erected by J. Abernethy & Company, Aberdeen - at a cost of about £1500.  The span is 200 ft.

It was reconstructed in 1985, to the original style but making use of modern materials and techniques by Whatlings (Civil Engineering) Ltd of Glasgow, in 1985 - under a contract led by consulting engineers W. A. Fairhurst & Partners of Edinburgh ...............

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