Retail Therapy

Up town shopping. My kinda shopping. For tis MrT’s 75th and the customary bottle of Scotch must be sourced as a present from the Gents Phil Soc. Auchentoshan 18yo it is - only because the entry level Auchentoshan is one he regularly gargles with, squire, to drop into that bar-room speak. Pull up a pew. While there I snaffle a good looking (that’s important) bottle of gin for the daughter. Onward! To the RSA (free on Mondays y’see) and then to the only Princes St bookshop. I come away empty handed. It starts raining. Paperchase is closing down! I buy a card or two. On down the hill to One|20 - some trendy wine bar and “boutique” delicatessen to get the daughter a gift. A voucher. Judging by the price of everything, it won’t go far. And judging by the footfall (in the shop at least) she better use it quickly before they go bust and close their doors. 

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