Attack from the Air

I set off on my favorite country drive in search of deer and sandhill cranes. I almost got shut out. 1 deer, and 4 cranes.

This juvenile let me get pretty close. He/she was feeding in front of the headstones at the national cemetery. The living among the dead.

He/she eventually crossed the street, headed for a swampy area. Problem? There must be a blackbirds nest in the area. He did not like the young crane in his space...continually diving and pecking the crane in the back and head. Fun for me to watch, but not much fun for the crane.

I put 7 more shots on my FLICKR PAGE. A few more crane shots, a lilac-framed horse, a tail-swishing donkey, and the deer.

The national cemetery is gearing up for Memorial Day this Monday. We won't be here. We have a wedding to attend up north in Petoskey, Michigan. Sure hope I can remember how to tie a tie. (It's been awhile.)

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