UK state primary schools have certainly changed since my days. Pimms at break time, who'd have thought it.
School fair today with a glorious sunny day to enjoy it. I think the ice cream camper van made very good money! I was on the Eco stall (this year incorporating the plant stall) and we were pretty busy too. Now I just have to think of ways of shifting what we didn't sell!
After the fair was all tidied up it was back home with 4 girls and one very happy looking son for Katherine's birthday sleepover. In retrospect, letting the kids drink endless appletize and lemonade from champagne glasses - whilst making for fun photos - wasn't ever going to lead to the calm movie watching evening I had in mind...
Highpoint of the evening was the look of joy on Conor's (age 4) face at watching the girls' dancing display to Abba. "Scantily clad" doesn't really do justice to the scraps of feather boa they had decided to wear. Mr B ran to the safety of our bedroom at the first bars of Dancing Queen, whilst Conor just stood and stared in sheer joy at the fact that having a big sister means that these girls are going to be dancing and gyrating in limited clothing in his living room for many years to come!
Low point of the evening/morning was being woken at 3am by Katherine to come and help a friend who'd fallen out of bed (they had obviously by then abandoned Katherine's room which had several mattresses on the floor, to sleep in a small double bed in the guest room. I'll gloss over the mayhem, shouting, fighting, bitching, make up experiments, difficult questions about sex and religion. I think after a few years of reflection and therapy I may be ready to deal with all that happened here tonight, but for now I'm just glad it's all over!
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