
Beautiful day. Another attempt to send the passport application (this time there was ink on one of the photos!) - better luck tomorrow.

A trip to my local overpriced garden centre - and now my greenhouse is full to the brim of colours waiting to be planted out. I even had the cheek to buy a tomato plant with juicy red tomatoes already on it ! Shhhh - I can pretend I grew it from seed!

This is the kind of day my mum would love. She loved hanging out her sheets and clean white shirts on the washing line (the good ones at the front for the neighbours to see). She would potter round her garden,weeding and transplanting, and discarding fag butts in among the flowers. Everyone passed her garden, and, even if she was sunbathing in her bra (!), she would chat to them all. The kids next door would be given chocolate biscuits BEFORE their dinner (we NEVER got choccy biscuits...Rich Tea,or Nice biscuits if you were lucky but never before dinner time).

I felt very self indulgent - sitting in my garden chair and reading my Kindle instead of working in the garden. But she would have told me to. Probably would have handed me a cup of very very strong tea too.

So - all I did today was sit in a chair and take pictures of my washing.

And it felt very good.

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