We're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo

Well, Audrey slept through through last night, even though she was in a travel cot. In fact, we had to actually wake her this morning so it seems the sea air agrees with her. Most importantly, we have broken the seal on staying away from home and are feeling much more confident about doing it again in a few weeks, thank goodness.

The plan today had been to explore some more of Anglesey but the clouds rolled in and it was decidedly chilly. We had a quick run down to Red Wharf Bay but Audrey fell asleep in the car so we did an about turn and set off for Chester Zoo instead, singing "We're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo. You can come too, too, too..."

The Sat Nav took us over Britannia Bridge as it had on the way there. I have such wonderful childhood memories of Menai Bridge so I made Angus do a detour so we could cross it (see pic). It is such an incredible view from there.

Chester Zoo was great fun. Admittedly more for us than Audrey as teething seemed to be bothering her again. The animal highlight was the giraffes. Such beautiful creatures with big eyelashes. They even walk like supermodels.

We spotted Wayne Rooney with his son Kai trying to stay incognito with a cap on and his hood up, wandering around the outside of the penguin enclosure.

It has been a wonderful few days. So glad we put Angus's time off to good use. Would have been so easy just to have stayed home. Hurrah to us!

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