
It’s been a quiet day. I read my book from 1-3 am as I couldn’t get back to sleep and I couldn’t find a podcast I wanted. Then I woke tired in the morning.

#2 daughter had a scare at the weekend when they were in Northern Ireland. A bomb went off in the next street. (According to news reports, it was 2 lots of unionists, drug gangs.) She’s happy today though - she’s got a training session to do in Berlin (she’s fluent in German and has friends there) and a conference inBucharest. No such perks for #3 but at least she’ll be on holiday from
Tomorrow. They are all going to stay with Luke’s aunt near London and I’ve treated them to “Wicked” which is the musical Ella and Nathaniel are doing with the drama club. They are also wanting to go to Madame Tussaud’s. The children are in competition to see who will know the most - Nathaniel thinks there will be some footballers.

I called to see Val who is very stressed about the move as they can’t find a house they like. She’s now leaving it to the daughters to make shortlists.

I’ve worked on my Central America book. Just how many photos of ethnic costumes do I really need? I have a lot of culling to do. I think I’ll put in a selection of photos for the whole trip, then sort out layout and culling. Usually I do it day by day.

It’s so nice to have our conservatory back in use. When the sun shines it is the warmest room in the house.

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