blackthorn and chiffchaffs

Yesterday Joanna and I were talking about the old country saying "Beware the Blackthorn Winter", the meaning of which is that the flowering time of blackthorn in the UK (end of March/beginning of April) can be a cold and frosty time. Today was mild and mostly dry, so in the afternoon I was able to continue with uprooting those invasive raspberry canes while trying not to disturb the daffodils. I reckon I'm two thirds of the way there..

I was very excited on my walk this morning to hear my first chiffchaff of 2023. Then fives minutes later, I heard my second chiffchaff of the year! From now on, I'm sure I'll be hearing them wherever I go. I love to see those wee birds which weigh less than a £1 coin and fly here from Continental Europe, where they overwinter. Increasing numbers of chiffchaffs, however,  are staying in the UK throughout the winter due to climate change. I marked my first sighting on the Woodland Trust's "Nature's Calendar" to contribute to their records. Now I will be listening out for the first willow warbler :-)

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