good news today!

Wasn't today just a beautiful day?
Such a wonderful, sunny, glorious day!

In fact, no news can top that news.

Let's just bask in that good news today. 

These are from Akane, my second Japanese Maple.I bought her, planted her, and was convinced she was dead the next Spring. Kate kept saying to be patient. She is very particular but I have her in a spot that is to her liking and the birds did not eat her leaf buds. 

I posted a picture of eaten leaf buds to a Facebook Japanese Maple group and asked if new leaves would grow. I was assured that they would. I love what one person called the perpetrators - "little winged xxx"
But everyone agreed they would grow new leaves.

The person I had dinner with suggested putting out a bird feeder. I never did that before, I just laid seed out on the deck railing, because we didn't want to attract rodents. But NOW the rodents are gone, thanks to the neighborhood fox that I actually saw on my way home last night, so today I put out bird seed in bird feeders. They gobbled it up and went back to my Summer Gold to eat some leaf buds. ARRRGGHHH!!!! Put the rest of the netting BACK on the tree! 

Thank you for hosting Ingeborg


I’m sorry. LAST year I was convinced she was dead. Then she put out buds and in 2022 she grew and thrived and a squirrel jumped on her and broke off the top part (GRRR) and she looked gorgeous and survived our so-called-winter and is looking phenomenal. 

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