From Now On...

By rachelwhynot

Field or meadow...?

Thinking...were yesterday's buttercups in a field or a meadow?? My wonderful Longman dictionary definitions are .."A field.. an area of land in the country, especially where crops are grown or animals feed on grass." A meadow.."a field with wild grass and flowers." So I suppose I was right calling it a field when the horses were there, but maybe it is a meadow now...??

Anyway, today I noticed other flowers growing in with the buttercups. Some might call them weeds. I have envied the amazing photos of dandelions posted here recently. If it was earlier, I would add links to share the skills of these fellow blippers. I should return to do so. I hope I have told them personally of my admiration.

I have enjoyed handwriting practice with George today and sympathised with Charlie over the frustration of having to give full answers to comprehension questions. I have visited my dentist and agreed to a crown ...and gawped at the price!

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