Sunshine on Leith

Woke up feeling very cold-y but really wanted to do the planned walk to Leith, felt a bit heavy legged half way down but made it to a lovely lunch in the sunshine outside The Ship inn eating Cullen Skink and chips with a nice glass of white wine.  

We then went and looked at a very lovely craft gallery and bought a couple of presents. It was in an old and beautiful building.  

Got the bus back and then went to have a drink with great friends of C&S in Royal Terrace,   Very long term residents, they’d bought their house in the very early 80s when it wasn’t a key Edinburgh address and it was absolutely fascinating to see inside it.  

Lovely dinner (thanks @xtoph1!) and then i got the train over to Glasgow Queen St and back to my hotel for another night.  Filming starts tomorrow! 

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