Tiny Wildflowers

There are always a ton of last minute jobs right before leaving home for even a few days. I scurried around doing what I could until time to head for Kim’s. Hubby took Blanche to the vet. They returned home without a diagnosis, some antibiotics and a large vet bill. Had we let them run all the diagnostic tests they suggested, we would have spent 10 times more. That is a bit frivolous when our dear kitty is terribly old. My guess is that she has cyst that partially drained and caused the scabbing. Hopefully the antibiotics will clear up the rest of it. I have been feeling a bit under the weather. Had a telehealth visit with my doc. She prescribed some meds and hubby picked them up. $4 for me and a lot for poor Blanche. Hopefully we will both be on the mend in a few days. Kim and family left for the Outer Banks of NC before 3:00 pm. They should reach her MIL’s place by 11:00 pm. I was going to take a walk around the neighborhood to look for a blip. But they have these adorable wildflowers growing at the edge of their property that fit the bill for Tiny Tuesday. They are a charming as any other finds I’d make. They each have tiny circular centers. Meanwhile, Trek and I might just take a nap. Kim left leftovers that will get me through a few days. The weather was gorgeous today. Wish I had packed capris. Maybe hubby will bring a few pair when we meet for Mass tomorrow evening. Thanks for the visit. Stay safe and healthy. “None can have a healthy love for flowers unless he loves the wild ones.” – Forbes Watson

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