Taith gerdded i'r domen gompost

Taith gerdded i'r domen gompost ~ A walk to the compost heap

When you photograph a face [...] you photograph the soul behind it.”
― Jean-Luc Godard

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Doedd Nor'dzin a fi ddim yn teimlo'n iach eto heddiw - felly gwnaethon ni ddim byd heb eistedd a darllen trwy'r dydd. Roedd fy ymarfer corff heddiw yn ddim ond cerdded i'r pentwr gompost, le cefais i fy nghyfarch gan yr wyneb gwenu hwn ...

Heddiw darllenais i ‘Images: illusion and reality’ llyfr am hanes ffotograffiaeth o ran y celfyddydau a'r gwyddorau. Mae'n ddiddorol iawn i weld faint o agweddau ffotograffiaeth wedi dechrau yn y 19eg ganrif. Mae hyn yn cynnwys dyfeisio ffotograffiaeth, creu gwahanol dechnegau ffotograffig, gwaith ar ffotograffiaeth lliw, a hyd yn oed holograffeg. Roedd adeg creadigol iawn.

Mae'n dipyn o brofiad edrych ar ffotograffau sydd bron yn 200 oed. Ffotograffau wedi'i wneud gan heulwen, wedi'i adlewyrchu o'r bobol a lleoedd ers talwm.

Mae'n fwy pwerus na rhywbeth wedi'i baentio. Rhywbeth wedi'i baentio wedi bod dehongli gan feddwl a llaw ddynol. Mae'r ffotograffau wedi bod yn paentio gan golau ei hun. Yr hyn a welwch yw beth oedd mewn gwirionedd.

Bod yn sâl yn ddefnyddiol iawn i ffeindio amser i ddarllen. Ond yn gobeithio yfory byddan ni'n gallu mynd yn ymhellach na'r domen gompost.

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Nor'dzin and I were not feeling well again today - so we did nothing but sit and read all day. My exercise today was just a walk to the compost heap, where I was greeted by this smiling face...

Today I read 'Images: illusion and reality' a book about the history of photography in terms of the arts and sciences. It is very interesting to see how many aspects of photography started in the 19th century. This includes the invention of photography, the creation of different photographic techniques, work on colour photography, and even holography. It was a very creative time.

It is quite an experience to look at photographs that are almost 200 years old. Photographs made by sunlight, reflected from the people and places long ago.

It is more powerful than something painted. Something painted has been interpreted by human mind and hand. The photographs have been painting by light itself. What you see is what it really was.

Being sick is very useful to find time to read. But hopefully tomorrow we will be able to go further than the compost heap.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Pot planhigyn gyda malurion wedi cwympo.
Description (English): A plant pot with fallen debris

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