Day 8 on the Gulag

This is my grandparents croft. Its 27 or so acres and when I was little, I lived in this thatched house until I was 6 so i remember it well.  I remember poking that old cast iron stove and getting a row for spreading ash all over the place. 
Then they built the bungalow you see and from that day forth their two wretched sons fought over which one should get it. When i say fought I mean literally! I remember as a child hearing this terrible racket, shouting and swearing.  My grandparents were over at the old house milking the cows( thats my grannie in the extra) When the racket spread outside, I crept down to the kitchen and the place was a bloodbath  just like you see in CSI with blood splattered up the wall. I snibbed the back door and looked out the window and one had an axe in his hand while the other was brandishing a spade. This fighing and arguments continued for as long as I can remember. 
Eventually the elder son got the croft  but when he died the other brother made himself executer and got the place. My mother didn't take any thing to do with them.  Finally the remaining son sold it to a well off local who has now put the entire place on the market for offers over a quarter of a million!!
I wonder what my poor grandparents would be thinking now!
It was never a happy place so today i finally laid all my ghosts to rest.
May the future buyer be a nice person. 
If you go back to this day in 2018 you will see the 3 children  my grannie and a cousin taken in roughly 1939

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