Flattering - Not

I’m using a photo taken during Monday’s rowing, taken on the way out with RFA Argus in the background.
Not the most flattering photos of me and I seem to feel the cold more than Chris in front of me or could it be that he was putting in more effort!

Windy, doesn’t begin to accurately describe the weather today up to the early evening. Lashing rain, wind strong enough to manoeuvre the ‘portable’ disabled toilet around the rugby club grounds.
I ventured out for my first meeting of the day just before lunch, Paddy had already left with Sam for a visit to Rubicon, the radical book and coffee shop down town, Paddy is almost as well known there as Sam.
The plan was for Paddy to accompany me to the rugby club in the evening when I opened up and manned the bar for two meetings taking place, Epic committee and the rugby club Academy while Sam travelled to Plymouth for an evening with friends.
In the end the wind speed meant that the transport links out of Cornwall were reduced or cancelled.
I opened the club, served some beer and enjoyed what turned out to be a pleasant, windless couple of hours before heading home for dinner with Mrs S.

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