Jeanne’s Iris

My aunt shared these with me years ago, and they are so reliably prolific!  Lots of tall stems, with several small flowers on each one. 

It was another gardening day. I began to clear up all the bark/mulch that had washed up on the patio when the yard flooded during one of those water Events last winter. (I say Last Winter as it were a long time ago, but I think it was just last week. It’s still pretty chilly in the evening, and the nights are cold. I just put a frost blanket over our little baby tomatoes.) An hour or two a day moves me toward my goal of tidying up out there. We have a helper who comes for two hours every other week, but in this growing season that’s not enough.

The carport is thick with mounds of wisteria, and the visiting big black bees crash into the dining room window as they lose themselves in a feeding delirium. They are as big as helicopters and their buzzing is as loud as the aroma of those clusters of purple flowers.

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