Balinese Woman

I remember perfecting my 'Balinese walk'...very slow, small steps, minimal effort...designed for tightly wrapped sarongs as well as hot, humid weather, as I was on my way to purchase this charming carving. I had seen it earlier, but wasn't sure about buying it. Once I made up my mind to get it I was afraid someone else might have purchased it. It was brutally hot and the phrase about 'mad dogs and Englishmen' was drifting through my mind as I minced my way toward the shop. She was still there waiting for me, and I have never regretted buying her. She not only represents the grace and elegance of Balinese women, but the skill of the carver who was even able to create a bangle on her wrist which is not attached to her arm and moves freely as a bangle does. 

I had not been looking forward to two doctor appointments in one day, internist in the morning, new dermatologist in the afternoon, but it all was accomplished fairly efficiently. The internist pronounced my blood pressure on the low side and I had lost a couple of pounds. She is always down to earth and practical, which I appreciate. I was back home again, remembering a couple of questions I forgot to ask, but I appreciated her answer to my question about consulting an orthopedist. 'Only if you want to have surgery', she said.  She would have been a wonderful subject for today's Mono Monday challenge, but I forgot that too.

The dermatologist is young, knowledgeable and extremely efficient. I had a couple of biopsies on my leg a few things frozen and was pronounced good to go in less than 15 minutes. I then sat in on her meeting with John. She shook her head over the brief version of the biologic drug prescribed for John, said she would like to try light therapy on his itchy spots before considering anything systemic and we were back at the receptionist's desk making appointments for that. She recommended three times a week until she sees him again in six weeks, 'but they only take 5 minutes'. We were both so eager to try something fairly non-invasive that we didn't even think about how the drive to the office takes 25! So we're off on a new adventure with what she didn't really commit to calling his itchy spots eczema. She just said she'd had very good luck treating itchy spots this way.

Back home again, two earth movers...the exact same two vehicles that plagued us for months...were back again, pushing dirt around next door again. It does appear that they are finally doing the groundwork for putting in the stairs. No sitting outside with the constant beeping, but that's ok because another weather front is moving in on a freezing, blustery wind.

Back to reality after a really good time with Rick and Meg, but both of us feeling revitalized after the change of scene. Jim and Dana couldn't have
thought of a better gift for us and they took such good care of Spike that he seems hardly to have noticed that we were gone for 4 days! 

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