Gimme Shelter

The reappearance of the hedgehog in our garden has meant a new feeding shelter needed to be constructed, the old one having finally given up the ghost last autumn. When there is more gaffer tape than original plastic, it’s definitely time for to start again.
Followed the tried and tested formula though - using drill and hacksaw blade to cut an entrance and then putting gaffer tape around the opening to strengthen it, stop the box splitting further and - most importantly - cushion any sharp edges the hedgehog might encounter on its way in.
I’m not sure if the hedgehog can read what’s written on its food bowl, but it wouldn’t surprise me if it was a right little diva considering the sumptuous dining (and sleeping!) facilities that are to be found in our garden.
Apart from that it’s been a reasonably quiet day with lots of sunshine to enjoy. Mrs C has been tidying flowerbeds and I went to the gym. I’m hoping the nice weather continues tomorrow so that I can mow the lawns. Would have done it this evening but I’m just awaiting the arrival of Stuart as we’re off to see Kenny Wayne Shepherd in Warrington. Given the state of the M6 recently, we’re setting off in plenty of time to allow for hold-ups.
Looking forward to an evening of blues, performed by one of the great modern guitarists.

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