Wall Planters

Arriving early in Biggar we took a stroll along the high street and nipped into the Gillespie Centre for lunch then wandered round the town.
I love the resourcefulness of this house-owner, using any number of wornout footwear as planters.

I had not remembered that, on a previous visit to the churchyard, I had been impressed by a particular gravestone (see extra) with its C19 terminology* and now have two photos! We found clumps of primrose, cowslip and oxlip close together near the graveyard entrance. The 'oxlip' here may actually be a hybrid of the primrose and cowslip, being so close, called 'false oxlip'.

In the village it was disappointing to see damage to the sundial, featured in a previous blip, now missing the upper two lines of the inscription - and the time is still incorrect by its pathetically short gnomon.

By then it was time to repair to a friend's house to collect choir music and settle down for a long chat before the drive home.

The sun shone brightly in a blue sky with occasional cloud but, my goodness, was it cold!

* A 'portioner' is an owner of part of a divided estate.
'Mortified' here refers to a legacy,  bequeathing money in perpetuity to the said charity.

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