Odd Man Out

Today‘s weather was by far the nicest. At home, it was probably humid, but not here. Our walk along the creek yesterday in the hot sun wore my sister and I out. She slept until 8:30 and I was out cold until 9:00 am, but I am older. Lol. In preparation for our trip home tomorrow (only hubby and me), we did laundry, packed up whatever we are taking home and put away whatever is staying. I will pack a small cooler in the morning. Hubby went to urgent care because the cough is getting deeper and he wanted to be ready for the long drive tomorrow. They prescribed drugs that he started right away. While he was out, he bought similar meds for our BIL whose symptoms are even more severe. My sister and I headed to the creek area to checkout the wild flowers. We were waylaid by a lady and her friend who live there. With so few folks out on the ridges, they are hungry for company. We visited at least an hour. As you can see, there are tons of wildflowers in bloom at the moment and I did not include a shot of all that we captured. However, I had to add a photo of the snowdrops from my sister’s front garden. I simply love them. Chase reports that Blanche is eating again. What a relief. Thanks for all your shows of concern for hubby and Blanche. They both will be well soon it seems. I will try hard to get to your journals from earlier in the week on the way home. My signal is so poor that I had to use my sister’s cell to call home today. You’d think in 2023 we wouldn’t have this issue. It was supposed to be a priority with all the new infrastructure money. Be safe and thanks a bunch for visiting and understanding why I have not been more attentive to your blips. “Wildflowers aren’t meant to be cut & tamed. They’re meant to be loved & admired.” – Anthony T. Hincks

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