Oh My, The Birds

It was 39°F this morning but it warmed up to at least 70°F during the day, maybe warmer. I spent the entire morning in the kitchen and breakfast area snapping pictures of so many kinds of birds. There were at least 20 blue jays, what a sight. We have never had that many at once before. We also had two red bellied woodpeckers on the feeders. Hubby was feeling a little better today but his cough is deep; I think he has bronchitis. He and my BIL had their first ATV ride today after cutting grass and eating lunch. My sister and I did laundry, straightened up and then went to the creek to look for beach glass and broken pottery. I will try to put a pic of our treasures in my extra. This has been one of our happiest days all around. It takes many tries to upload my blip. My DIL bought the kitties a new “moving water” bowl and gave Blanche more turkey pot pie. Those kitties are truly loved. We have one more day of vacay. Hopefully tomorrow we can go photograph wildflowers. The hills are filled with them. The weather should be as nice as today. Hoping your day was just as lovely. Be safe. Thanks for the visit. I have been unable to open my e-mail notifications but I see you have starred and commented on yesterday’s post. Our BIL has plans to improve our reception when he gets his new roof in July. Can’t wait. We will gladly invest in the system with him. "You have to believe in happiness, or happiness never comes ... Ah, that's the reason a bird can sing — On his darkest day he believes in spring." - Douglas Malloch

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