
We were greeted by a bright sunny sky this morning. The guys decided to go to Ohio to pick up the repaired ATV and shop a bit. My sister headed out for a walk on the ridge and some quiet time with nature. Momma and I stayed home and enjoyed the birds, the pup and each other’s company. We have at least three pair of goldfinch. Their feathers turn brighter each day. The variety of birds we see each day is amazing. My sister bought this old trike to display colorful annuals. It works well as a bird feeder too. After lunch, while the ladies visited the neighbors for a few hours, the men napped. Plenty of leftovers for dinner so today may be our easiest. Hubby bought a new double 12s dominos set so we might have another game of “chicken foot” with the correct number and type of tiles. Thanks for dropping by. It is a little hard to open your journals so forgive me if I don’t visit. My BIL has not been able to get on the Internet with his hotspot so our online access is quite spotty. That’s not always a bad thing. We received no war news today. I’m hoping they completed our roof. Stay safe folks. “One thing is certain, and I have always known it - the joys of my life have nothing to do with age. They do not change. Flowers, the morning and evening light, music, poetry, silence, the goldfinches darting about.”
— May Sarton —

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