Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR


Had to take Brett some medicine as he has been fighting a stomach bug since yesterday evening.  He said he had orange juice and water in the house but nothing else so I got him a few ginger ales and some gatorade to keep him from getting dehydrated as well as some chicken noodle soup he can heat up when he finally feels like eating.

I did not go in the house since I sure don't want the bug.  

On the WAY BACK home I was alone on the bridge going over the river so I slowed down enough to take a photo out the window.  

There were some really great "way back" Tiny Tuesday entries but these are the ones I chose for the hearts.  

Chris_P    an old locket with photos.

Mole  a beautiful heirloom doily

JanetMayes  a tiny coin with a note from the past

evolybab  a tiny found treasure

carol_dunham    antique batchelor buttons

Thanks to all for participating.    Next week TT413 is all about music!  Any and all ways to represent music! 

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