Can We Fix It?

Probably not. This fence featured in my very first blip, almost three years ago, when it had just been freshly painted during lockdown, following the discovery of a nearly full tin of stain in the garage. Although I didn’t say at the time, painting the fence was very much like putting a sticking plaster on a broken leg, as it was obviously starting to rot.
Eighteen months ago, the fence featured again following the visit of Storm Arwen. At that time it had cracked but I put a splint on it (seen in the right of the photo) and promised I’d get new fence panels that summer. Naturally, I never got round to it and woke up this morning to find that three days of strong northerly winds were wreaking havoc on this panel, with various supporting bits having come loose due to the underlying rottenness of the wood.
Time for Bodgit and Scarper, builders to the gentry to get involved. I screwed some loose bits back on, fitted another “splint” on the reverse side of the fence, bodged a couple of brass plates in a particularly loose area and tried to find some solid wood to nail into so the top of the fence could be reattached.
Definitely not pretty and only time will tell how robust the repairs are. For the time being they seem to be standing up to the stiff wind.
And I know I said it last time, but I really am going to replace the panels with more substantial ones this summer. Assuming I can find some at the right price. And also assuming my friend Andy still has his van. And, if he does, he is prepared to help me collect said panels.
Maybe I’ll just see if the repair holds good for a little while longer…

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