Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

You know when you've got plans with others and then all of a sudden no ones coming and you got this 'free' day (it feels like...). Happened to me today. I've been planning to meet up with some women with the same interests as me, but one after one they dropped out... illness and other things, so it was just me then and we'd get together 'some other time'. Who know when this will happen, or if, even. My inner hermit was kind of happy. :)
So, I've gotten things done today (more energy, finally, thankfully). I've packed a letter going to California because I'm part of a coffee with friends project, the one I was trying to find materials for the other day. I found some substitutes for the coffee and cut away the front of a pack I have in the freezer, then mostly tea related things, since I'm a tea drinker. I'll post it tomorrow. Almost finished planting tomatoes seeds that will germinate in the greenhouse (my little one on the patio...), and I want to get some other seeds out too. Apparently both zinnia, marigolds and calendula can germinate in colder conditions. We're going to have a cold spell now next week, so it's perfect to get everything out now. 
I've also finished this project, that's an entry in this months challenge in a Facebook group. It opens up when you remove the tiny paperclip, and there're the usual pockets and journaling cards in different sizes.. 
And, some chores are done too. So, very productive day! :)

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