Silly Bird - Just What We Needed Today

Skylar’s play was the high school version of the musical “Mean Girls”. The music, acting and moral were good but there were parts I was not crazy about. Sky was listed in the program as the “master electrician” aka she designed and programmed the lighting as she has for most of the productions while in high school. She was also in the ensemble and had a part in most acts. The seniors had a “cry fest” when it was over since this is their last theater activity. Oh me. She gathered her bouquets and headed back to her dog sitting job. We came home and were ready for bed. Blanche woke me up around 3:30 am. I put her in bed with me and caressed her until she was ready to get back on the bathroom rug. Hubby is still sleeping on the recliner until his congestion clears up. Millie was ready for breakfast before 6:00 am; no rest for the weary. I got up and made hubby breakfast for a change. Blanche is his kitty so he is taking her decline rather hard. We kept an eye on her all day. Hubby collected the trash and recycling and took it to the convenience center on his way to grab our used up grocery staples. I went to Kim’s and let Trek out. They are near Baltimore at Brooklyn’s soccer game. Her team won 1-0. I came back to a mess. A can of blueberry pie filling sprung a leak and spilled in my baking cabinet. As I was cleaning it up, this brown headed cowbird was on the window sill putting on a show. He’d puff out all his feathers, spread his wings and dance around. Then he’d stand straight and tall. He did this all day. Hubby saw it as well. Too bad it wasn’t yesterday; it would be a great silly Saturday entry. Hubby decided to hand wash all three vehicles. He is frustrated with the cost and poor performance of the local automatic car wash centers. Otherwise, we will cook steaks on the grill later and then have a quiet evening. As I was ready to push “publish”, hubby went in and found that Blanche has indeed passed. I am very sad but relieved for her because this last week has been so tough on her. We tried to give her a wonderful 16 years as she did for us. We were having steak for dinner but my DIL sent eggplant lasagna and wings. We sure aren’t in the mood for a special meal. I think the bird brought us a little respite from our sad day, thank you Lord. In the extras, I will try to include the Bible passage Parker sent yesterday when it was obvious Blanche was leaving us soon. The other extra is the notes from the grands after she passed including another Bible passage from Parker. We are truly blessed to have such loving children and grandchildren. I think I am almost caught up on your journals. What lovely photos there were. Thanks for sharing and for visiting me as well. Have a nice week. “Like a cowbird that cheats by laying its eggs in another bird's nest, is the person who gets rich by cheating. When the eggs hatch, the deceit is exposed. What a fool he'll look like then!” - Jeremiah 17:11

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