Delicate Ruffles

It will be hard leaving the Ridge with perfect weather like we are having. We had another glorious day. I treated the crew to country sausage, potato cakes, toast and fruit for breakfast. Hubby added eggs to his plate ( not my specialty). Sugar and I made several trips around the property and I snapped pictures of fruit tree blossoms and other lovely things. These dainty narcissi and their powerful fragrances greet all visitors to my sister’s front door. We received terrible news last evening. My sister and BIL’s good friend, Mr. Dick Holden passed yesterday. They may go home early for the funeral; my BIL is a pall bearer. We lost two other friends right before we left home. The lady lived on the farm next to my maternal grandfather’s property. We have always considered the Joys part of our extended family. The gentleman was a Knight and father to our private school nurse, both were admired for their goodness. As my hubby says, at our age we are going to experience more and more losses. My children all checked in with me today, sharing news of their weekend plans. Two families were heading out of town for their children’s sports games. Kristen made lunch for her hubby and his “Christmas in April” work team. They are repairing a home in the northern part of the adjacent county. We each spent a good part of the day outside breathing in the warm fresh air and enjoying the WV blue sky with fluffy white clouds. There is nothing to compare to that tranquility. I helped our mother make her signature pound cake since she is not familiar with my sister’s kitchen. We ate a quick bite of lunch and it was time to head to Mass. Father gave a great homily for Divine Mercy Sunday. We grabbed a few groceries and are heading home to a smoked pork rib dinner. Thanks for the visit, stars, hearts and kind comments lately. I wish you peace and tranquility. No news but our prayers continue. “Some old-fashioned things like fresh air and sunshine are hard to beat”. - Laura Ingalls Wilder.

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