Bearded Iris V2

We have had a ho hum kind of day. Spent much of it reminiscing about Blanche’s unique personality traits that we are going to miss. She’d always run ahead of us on the stairs and stop halfway, poke her head out between the same spindles and wait for us to pet her when we got to the next level - every time. And we always had to “hold hands” if she was on our lap. She would only eat the kibble that we put in the “eyes” of her “slow eat” dish with a 3D kitty face. She’ll be irreplaceable. We have made a decision not to replace her or Millie (when that time comes) until we are too old to leave home overnight. Until then, all our grand pets are available for visits. Hubby had early morning blood tests. I cleaned a bit and weeded around the raised garden. While outside, I decided to blip these old fashioned Iris my sister gave me. Reminds me of ones my grandmother had. When hubby came home, we collected everything we had upstairs for Blanche. She got dry kibble that Millie is allergic to and we kept water and a litter pan for when she napped on one of the beds. Before Millie got stronger, she was unable to go up there. We thought Parker had a lacrosse game (he doesn’t) and were sitting in the middle of backed up traffic (must have been accident ahead of us). My son called to say he had just found water coming into his home gym from the kitchen above. When we got to the first turn off, we headed to his house. Looks like the condensation system in his relatively new refrigerator (7 months old) has quit. We helped however we could. Never a dull moment. Glad we are close by. Thank you sincerely for you kind comments. Watching and hearing Blanche decline was actually harder than having her pass. The Lord was merciful; she lasted until we got home from WV. Not sure how Chase (being on the spectrum) would have handled her death. Hubby is leaving Wednesday until next Monday. It was certainly easier having him home to share the tough days with me. Thanks for stopping by. Be safe. So much turmoil in the world. “Like the iris that spreads its petals to embrace the world, spread kindness and love wherever you go.” I

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