....it's barby time again..........

Charlotte finally got her barbecue.....a week late.....thanks to the efforts of everyone.

Up and out early this morning...a gorgeous day....sun beating down....no wind......bait for tomorrow's match....a chat with the boys...then off on a mission.......barby!

To one butchers....bang on opening time....in.....6 big 100% Angus steak burgers.....12 links of prime Cumberland sausage....nothing else...maybe I was too early.....so off to another butchers......prime pork sausages..........six lamb and mint kebabs......then to the store....fresh bread rolls.

Home...check the rest of the barby requirements...the Daughter out to the gym...instructions to pick up some wine,mushrooms, new potatoes...........and extra charcoal....proper charcoal not briquettes.

The Boss and I trimmed the biggest Japanese maple to let more light into the garden.

The Son and Heir, Young Helen and Charlie arrived....tree trimming finished....trimmings taken to the tip......a beer and games in the garden.

3.30 barby lit....everything cooked to perfection....even if I do say so myself....and the taste....fantastic...great burgers......juicy, herby sausages....minty lamb.....new potatoes dripping in butter....green salad......garlic mushrooms......fried onions for the burgers.....a bit of pasta for Charlie.....beer and rose wine....vanilla and chocolate ice cream.

More playing...Charlie off home at 7.30.......the Daughter off out...and a quiet evening for me and the Boss....now if only I can win the lottery I could do this all the time!

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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