...sitting in the noon day Sun....

Quiet day at work now that year 11 have gone...only one lesson to teach on Fridays.

Phew! What a scorcher....hot, hot ,hot....so we had decided to have a barbie.

Home from work to meet Charlotte and YH with the Boss. Charlie appears to be practicing in case she gets an invitation to the Royal Garden Party....pouring out cups of "tea" and passing them round and posing in her new hat.

The Daughter got home about 5.30....the S & H arrived at 6.10 and "Jungle" Rob and his girlfriend Sue arrived at 7.15. Rob is the Boss' youngest brother...the one currently guarding shipping in the Indian Ocean....he is an ex Royal Marine Commando and when the kids were little the couldn't manage "Uncle" so because he was always away in exotic places he became Jungle Rob...and it's stuck ever since.

Guess who did the cooking.....yep....me again.

Beef, cheese and red onion burgers.....chilli sausages......chicken, peppers, onion, mushroom and pineapple kebabs.....maple syrup pork steaks..... potato salad.... coleslaw..... and Charlotte potatoes dripping in butter. Needless to say lots of wine, beer and cider was also consumed. Ended the evening around the chiminea listening to Guitar Heroes at the BBC through the living room window.

Up early tomorrow to get the bait for Sunday's match, see Rob and Sue off and then negotiate a phone upgrade....and then I'll have the afternoon and evening(until 9.30 when the Boss gets back from work) all to my self.
Hmmmm Eurovision or the England game.....no contest really.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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