Lots of bluebells
So nice to see lots of bluebells everywhere even by the roadside in verges.
Quite a busy day…went to a local school plant sale but didn’t buy anything! Then to the allotment to do a bit and decide where to put runner beans. The grass has grown so much in the recent rain, and the weeds so it needs tackling next week.
This afternoon we picked up balloons for grandsons birthday party tomorrow and then collected the other grandchildren who are staying overnight with us while their parents go to the Royal Albert Hall.
At home we did some ‘ gardening’ ..they helped clean in between the paving stones with the appropriate tool very efficiently as they have done this at home too. They also found some worms and some woodlice to put in the transparent containers we have which have magnification x 2 in the lids.
Then a dog walk to the local playground!
Need a rest this evening!
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