Back at the Baltic

We had a lovely evening catching up with Dennis.

This morning we took him to the Procession at the Baltic and also saw Hinterlands from where I took the blip. Time got short so we had to leave the photographic exhibition for another day.

We drove down to St Mary’s Lighthouse then it was time to call on #3 daughter to pick her up for a walk on the beach. The boys didn’t want to come as they’d had a long bike ride in the morning. What with the beach and walk from Sage car park to the Baltic we did over 5 miles.

After drama #3 daughter brought the children over to Whitley Bay and we all had takeaway curry. They wondered why Dennis wasn’t taking the family group photo which he does for us every year but it was so cold and Luke was at work we decided to leave it till summer.

. #3 thought she’d been in the car all day - take Nathaniel to football then home then rugby then take him to a party, pick up Katja and Ella for drama, pick up Nathaniel then go back for the girls, take Katja home (she and her mum are Luke’s sisters Ukrainian refugees) then come to Whitley Bay.

Ella and Nathaniel have been put forward for auditions for parts in an episode of Vera.

Finally home to cold and wet but it has been a lovely day with great chat. Ready for bed - must cook tomorrow for friends coming round - I had hoped Mr C and Dennis would get off for a long walk but the forecast is thunder and rain. We are all so sick of this cold weather.

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