
By Houseonahill6


A fairly sunny start to the day so we headed down to the Point just before 9 o’clock. It actually felt warm in the sun . The dotted cloudy skies soon cleared and we stood and watched a couple of dolphins. No jumping or leaping etc but still nice to see them.
Mike was hungry so we went down to Crofters and had an egg and bacon roll each.
Had a phone call to arrange delivery of my injections, they are coming on Monday, whoo hoo, hopefully they’ll start working straight away although my Rheumy Nurse said it might take a few weeks.
Had a text from the doctors to say could I arrange an appointment for a Health check ( blood pressure/ blood test etc) . I was hoping the blood test I had last week and all the blood pressure readings I’ve had over the last few months would be enough but no they’re different. I’ve put off going for a while , need my bruises to heal from the last episode ! I’m sure they would have told me if there was something else drastic going on.

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