Wood's adventures

By Pippilongstock


the new Mr and Mrs Green.

A very early start, not just for a 7.35 train, but also because having not worn tights in about 18 months I had to go to Asda at 6.45am to buy some. And then it was time to leave Ad and TWW for their boys weekend and head south and west, to celebrate Rick and Mel's wedding.

Apart from the odd annoying fellow traveller (most scorn reserved for the father who proclaimed loudly enough for the entire carriage to hear that his son's attempt at a chemistry past paper was 'absolutely rubbish' - I look forward to the day that his son is brave enough to tell his father some home truths about support and motivation and life being about more than tests) the four hour train journey to Oxford was very smooth.

Then it was a quick change, from boots and jeans into dress and heals and off to the wedding. I am not sure playing some of the 'baddy' music from star wars whilst waiting for the bride to arrive did anything to ease Rick's nerves, but it sounded good.

Congratulations to Rick and Mel - it was a lovely day and I hope they have a cracking honeymoon. And as always it was lovely to catch up with friends who we see far too infrequently.

(it's not quite in focus - I was using our old camera and was struggling with settings and ...blah blah blah... but I like how they are looking at each other in this one, so I am not too bothered about the focus!)

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