Saturday: Coronation Quiz

We had our Coronation lunch for 40 today.  I have to admit there were some fairly stressful moments.  The vibe we were aiming for was a British street party feel, with things like quiche, sausage rolls, pies, Jamaican patties, etc and a big cake with a Union Jack.  So imagine my upset when the caterers said last night they couldn’t do most of that as they couldn’t get the ingredients (having previously agreed the menu) so would a goat curry do instead?  After much discussion back and forth we at least managed to rescue the Brishness of the day with a roast dinner.  It appears there were several misunderstandings between my colleague and the caterers so there’ll be a lessons learnt conversation next week.  

Then, when it came to National Anthems my colleague sent them both (British and Belizean) to me via WhatsApp.  Try as I might, I couldn’t get the Belizean anthem to play - all that would come out was Deep Purple and ‘Smoke On The Water’.

But, generally, people seemed to have had a good time.  We invited a different crowd - not high level contacts but people working in the community around diversity, environment, youth etc.  People seemed pleased to have been asked.

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