Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2023 Sunday — Sonday

Sunday — Day 8 of Anniversary month — Because it's Sunday Mr. Fun & I spent time today "going" to church. We attended church this morning and again this evening. Our home church is Calvary Chapel Chino Hills and Jack Hibbs is our pastor.

Because we are on California's Central Coast today we attended by live-stream on the Internet. Pastor Jack and Pastor Frank Turek spoke together and their message was very interesting and informative.

Then this evening we attended church in Cleveland, Ohio, at Pastor Alistair Begg's church by streaming his morning worship celebration. Pastor Begg introduced a pastor from Texas, Afshin Ziafat. Pastor Ziafat grew-up Muslim, and became a Christian as a high schooler. His personal story and his message were meaningful and insightful. You can get the links and watch both of these church celebrations.

When we married each other almost 58 years ago, going to church was the last of items on our "To Do" List. I know now that the reason is neither one of us had a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We both, though, had attended church more times than we could remember. Mr. Fun grew-up going to Catholic Church; I grew-up attending Lutheran church. For both of us it was a "religious" thing to do once a week. We knew nothing about Jesus being our friend, our Savior.

So when we decided to get married again on our 10th wedding anniversary we needed a church building. We wanted to have a party. We didn't have a clue that the God Who had turned water into wine had invited Himself to our celebration. The God Who erases sin, Who forgives freely, Who has planned for our eternity was knocking on the door of our Vow Renewal party.

Well, we answered the knocking and Jesus not only came in to party with us; He came to live with us. Do you know how many times we've been to church in the past 48 years? We don't either, but we are living the most meaningful, purpose-filled lives loving Jesus and belonging to his great big family. If you do not know Jesus none of this will make sense to you. So I challenge you to challenge God to make Himself real to you. Come on, just speak it out, "God, I challenge you to make yourself real to me." And then tell Him that if He does make Himself real to you that you'll get real with Him and you'll invite Him into your life.

And that was Day 8 at Funville making an anniversary last all month.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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